Last Minute Short Breaks

For The Summer

Top Tips for Winter Trips

Winter in a Motorhome

Like the idea of a winter trip? Heading out on an adventure in the off-season? Whilst we do provide you with everything you will need for a warm and safe trip, there are a few things that you can do to help make your time away that little bit more comfortable.


  • Pack plenty of layers – there’s nothing worse than being freezing cold whilst out on a walk, especially if the heavens decide to open up. Likewise, you don’t want to be too hot when you retreat to the pub for a spot of lunch. Wearing layers will allow you to regulate your temperature more easily
  • Take plenty of socks – no one likes to have cold, wet feet!
  • Take wellies or waterproof footwear – see above!
  • Take your slippers – upon returning to your motorhome leave your wet and muddy footwear outside and glide into your warm & soothing slippers. Will help make you feel much more relaxed and comfortable in the evenings
  • Take a tent or gazebo to use as a porch for storing wet and dirty wellies and hanging waterproofs up to dry


  • Take a couple of lighter duvets rather than one with a heavy tog – similar to the earlier point of layering your clothes, it can get pretty snug in a motorhome, and having the option to remove a cover at night is always a benefit
  • Take a thermos flask, handy for keeping warm when out and about
  • Eating in? Create some simple winter warmers that can be easily made on a gas stove. Soups, casseroles, curry’s and other one-pot meals are ideal for this. Saves on washing up too!
  • Remember that it gets dark really early in the winter so make sure you pack a torch, a good book and some DVDs to keep everyone entertained
  • Take a big, soft, fluffy cushion to make your time curled up on a chair watching telly, or in the bed reading, that little bit more snug and cosy


  • Make sure you have an external power source – be it electrical hook-up or a generator, it will mean you won’t have to worry about your battery going flat when using the fan that blows the warm air around the motorhome
  • Take some extra mats – use mats to prevent the floor getting wet and dirty with muddy footwear. Take a couple of spares so you can rotate while the first lot dry out
  • Find some natural shelter when pitching. When you arrive at the site, try to position your motorhome so that vents, ducts and similar fixtures are protected from the prevailing winds and, therefore, much of the snow and rain
  • Remember to close the cab dashboard vents at night to prevent drafts
  • Close the blinds as soon as the sun starts setting – you may be surprised by how quickly the temperature drops
  • If your motorhome has a curtain to block out the light from the cab instead of the window blinds take some silver screens for your windscreen. A lot of heat can be lost through glass and silver screens really help to insulate your motorhome
  • To prevent freezing of the waste water tank make sure to empty it on a regular daily basis

LandCruise Top Tip

Don’t be afraid to use the heating throughout the night. It will use a minimal amount of gas, and as long as you have electric hook-up or a generator you won’t have to worry about your vehicle battery going flat.

Turn it up high for a few minutes in the evening to give it a little boost before going to bed, then turn it down to a low setting for the night.

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