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Music FestivalSurvival Guide


FestivalSurvival Guide

Congratulations. You’ve already taken a huge step towards festival survival by hiring a motorhome!

A comfortable bed, cooking facilities and the all-important private washroom will go a long way to keeping you fully refreshed for the whole weekend.

To ensure you get through the festival experience completely unscathed, here are a few handy tips and tricks…


Before you go

Sounds obvious, but before you hire a motorhome to take to a music festival do make sure that they are permitted on site – they are often allocated to a particular area or campsite.

Campervan/motorhome tickets are also often limited in number, so make sure you buy them early to guarantee your place.

It’s not the end of the world if you do miss out on a campervan ticket, as you can always stay at a nearby campsite and walk or bus in.

With all the space you have in a motorhome you can afford to take with you some more of life’s little comforts, so just make sure you don’t forget the essentials:

If you’re taking young children, don’t forget to bring a push chair. Running around all day can take its toll on little legs and you don’t want to be left carrying them everywhere.

Choose your pitch

A majority of festivals open their campsites a day or two before all the bands arrive, so it’s a good idea to get there early to ensure you get the pick of the pitches.

If the site is on a slope, avoid pitching at the bottom of it if you can. If it does rain at all, then you could have some difficulties when it comes to leaving.

Think about where the exit is and how easy it will be to leave.

Where are the water taps situated? If you need to fill up your water tank because you’re using the on-board shower rather than the festival facilities, you don’t want to be walking too far each time to fill it up again. Particularly if you only have a small watering can to do the job.

Hire a generator

There aren’t too many festivals that will be able to offer electric hook-up facilities, in which case you may also want to hire a generator (see optional extras) to keep all your battery levels topped up, and use things like hairdryers or a microwave.

Having said that, there are a few festivals (such as Glastonbury) that don’t allow the use of generators on site, so do make sure to check.

So what do you do if you don’t have hook-up and can’t take a generator? Use the power supply sparingly. You could try running the engine for an hour or so each day. It’s not a particularly environmental method, but it’s probably your only option. It won’t fully charge the battery, but should prevent it from going completely flat. Just make sure you’ve got plenty of fuel before entering the site so you can keep running your engine to keep things topped up!

If you hire a motorhome that comes with solar panels. It won’t enable use of the 3-pin plug sockets, but it will keep your leisure battery in full working order.

Still not sure if you need a generator have a look at this page:


Make your bed

If the motorhome you’ve hired requires beds to be made up, do it before you head into the main arena. You’ll really appreciate it when you stumble back into the motorhome in the early hours!

Plan your day

At some of the larger festivals there can be so much going on that you just can’t fit everything in that you want to do.

If you’re a new festival goer, make sure to plan your day so you know which bands/attractions you definitely want to see and where they’re playing. That way you avoid missing the greatest performance the world has ever seen because you were queuing up for an overpriced, warm pint!

Arrange a meeting place

It’s a good idea on the first day to arrange amongst yourselves a meeting point, so that should any of your party get lost or decide they want to stay for one more song, everyone knows where to go.

Don’t rely on your mobile phone to stay in touch through festival season, as although running out of battery shouldn’t be a problem for you, getting a decent signal at festivals can be a challenge.

Leaving the festival

Whoever is doing the driving needs to make sure that they have allowed enough time to sober up before it’s time to leave, particularly if you’re planning to leave first thing in the morning.

If you need to get back for a specific time to return the motorhome, make sure you allow for the possibility of a long wait whilst trying to exit the site. With anything from 200 to 200,000 people trying to leave on the same day, roads can be at a standstill for a number of hours.

Consider leaving after the final headline act of the event on the Sunday night. It’s a great way to avoid the mad rush and ensure you make your return time.


If it has rained during the festival, having lots of motorhomes, campervans and cars all trying to leave could turn the once lush green site into a boggy mess. Be careful when driving in these conditions.

To avoid getting stuck, drive slowly and don’t push down on the accelerator too much. Increasing the revs will only make you sink quicker!

...and enjoy yourself!

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